The Biggest Insurance Errors to Avoid as A Tradesman

Tradesmen are masters of their art, and people seek them out every day to solve the problems in their lives. The tradesmen umbrella is a large one – but whether you are a plumber, electrician, handyman, or painter – you’re undoubtedly experienced in your field and end up pouring your soul into your business.  This focus tends to leave other areas of …

Keeping Your Business Safe Online: 10 Easy Steps

When you run a business, dangers can come from anywhere—even from the web. Just like a fire or a break-in, online threats can do serious harm. That’s why cyber security, along with insurance, has become so vital for businesses today. In this friendly guide, we’re going to share ten simple steps you can take to shield your online work and …

5 Reasons Your Business May Need Cyber Liability Insurance

The internet of things is now an intrinsic part of everyday life, and the same is applied to business owners. Connecting to the internet for your business operations is something many don’t think about. From online transactions that can leave your financial details vulnerable, to the valuable client and employee information. One leaves a digital trail of breadcrumbs with every …

5 Important Things to Consider when Insuring Your Business

Finding the right types of business insurance when drawing up your policy, can seem rather daunting when you start. From finding what types of insurance you may need and how much cover your business requires, to the risks your business may need to anticipate, Bi-me makes the complicated process easier for you to manage and adjust in the future. As …

The Importance of Adapting Your Insurance as Business Grows

You’re now living the reality you dreamed about when first starting your small business. Sweat and tears have been spent, and there’s no doubt you would do anything to protect and see your budding business is safe and secure. From the very start, there has always been a lot that goes into managing the daily operations of your business. As …

A man holding a compass explaining business insurance to the self-employed entrepreneurs

Business Insurance: A Guide for The Self-Employed

The thrill of directing yourself as a small business owner is often clouded by the many tasks you have to do.   Daily operations of any business are all-consuming, and as the owner, you have many other factors to constantly consider, from marketing to managing finances, at the very least.  Following our guide will give you the necessary insight into what …

Women in boardroom talking about getting business insurance

A Simple Guide to Insurance for Small Businesses

Running a small business is no easy feat; there are many parts you have to keep moving and balanced. There’s a lot to manage in marketing, customer service, and sales, and some things will always be beyond your control, such as accidental damage. This is where business insurance comes into play. Knowing you have insurance for unexpected events is crucial …

Man sitting at desk with laptop explaining Bi-me and business insurance

Small Business Insurance: Cover for Everyone

Bi-me business insurance covers small businesses and start-ups the way most insurance companies don’t. For us, no policy is too small. With our simplified online process, you can immediately compare and buy the insurance that will fit your business like a glove. This article will cover how we have simplified the drawn-out complicated process with our instant-online quotations, our 24/7 …