Who We Insure
Specialised Insurance Cover For 1000's SMMEs

Get instant online insurance quotes from leading Insurers

Insurance for Accommodation Businesses
While you look after all of your guests, we’ll definitely look after all of your business insurance needs.

Insurance for Admin and Support Services
Bi-me can provide you with multiple competitive quotes from some of South Africa’s leading insurers within minutes.

Insurance for Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
While you are allowing people to relax and be active, we will actively help you find insurance for your organisation.

Insurance for Broadcasting and Publishing
Get multiple competitive insurance quotes for your broadcasting & publishing business in a few clicks from some of SA's leading insurers & get covered instantly.

Insurance for Construction and Trade Services
You are usually building and fixing things for others, now let us fix you up with insurance built for your needs with just a few clicks.

Insurance for Education
While you help your students to build a future for themselves, we want to help you to protect the future of your business. Multiple competitive insurance quotes in just a few clicks.

Insurance for Food and Beverage Services
Food and beverage services are at risk of a wide range of events, take a minute to look at our menu of insurance options for your business. Bi-me provides you with multiple competitive quotes from SA's leading insurers.

Insurance for Health Services and Social Work
As a health and social services professional, small mistakes can have big consequences, with just a few clicks you’ll get multiple competitive quotes from some of SA’s leading insurers.

Insurance for Manufacturing
While you focus on creating great products, let Bi-me take care of your business insurance needs by providing multiple competitive quotes from some of SA’s leading insurers.

Insurance for Motor Repairs
We know your work can require long taxing hours that is why Bi-me wants to get you covered within minutes. We provide you with multiple competitive quotes from leading insurers.

Insurance for Professional Services
You are always striving for the best when offering professional services to your clients, allow Bi-me to help provide you with some of the best competitive quotes from some of the top insurers in SA.

Insurance for Real Estate
While you take your customers’ worries away by finding their dream homes, we’ll take your worries away by providing the appropriate business insurance, with just a few clicks you can get multiple competitive quotes from some of SA’s leading insurers.

Insurance for Transportation and Storage
While you deliver and store goods for customers, let us deliver the best business insurance to you. With just a few clicks you’ll get multiple competitive quotes from some of SA’s leading insurers and get covered instantly.

Insurance for Wholesale and Retail Trade
Whether you sell the best gifts in town, the latest fashion, or delicious baked goods, with just a few clicks you’ll get multiple competitive quotes from some of SA’s leading insurers.